Under the tutelage of composer Leong Yoon Pin and Elaine Dobson, Phoon Yew Tien is Singapore's most recorded classical music composer. Phoon is not only well - grounded in both Eastern and Western musical vocabularies, his output covers the entire spectrum of chamber music, songs, music for theatre and concert hall. He has earned a fine reputation as a significant composer, both in Singapore and in the international arena.
For three consecutive years, 1977 to 1979, he won the Distinguished Prize in the National Song Writing Competition - the prizes were awarded for the works Our Song in 1977, Nanyang University (1978) and Song for Workers (1979). While attending the Queensland Conservatorium of Music on a Singapore Symphony Orchestra scholarship, Phoon was awarded the Dulcie Robertson Prize in composition thrice (1980, 1981 and 1983), for best composition.
In 1984, Phoon won the prestigious Yoshiro Irino Memorial Prize for Composition, awarded by the Asian Composers League, one of the highest awards to be given to a young Asian composer. In 1996,1997,2001 and 2004, he was also awarded the top Local Serious Music Award by the Singapore Composer and Authors Society (COMPASS).
On 14th April 2000, the Singapore Symphony Orchestra premiered his Variants on an Ancient Tune as one of a series of new works commissioned for the 20th anniversary of the orchestra. On 12th October 2000, the Beijing China Film Orchestra performed works by Phoon Yew Tien in his solo composition concert in Beijing Concert Hall. The concert was jointly presented by the government of the People's Republic of China and the Singapore National Arts Council. He was also commissioned by the Singapore National Arts Council to compose a large scale work ( Confucius - A Secular Cantata ) for the Singapore Arts Festival 2001.
Since 1987, Phoon's compositions and arrangements have been performed and recorded by the orchestras such as the Singapore Symphony Orchestra, the Russian Philharmonic Orchestra, San Francisco Symphony Orchestra, Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra, Shanghai Music Conservatory Symphony Orchestra, Shanghai Music Conservatory Chinese Orchestra, Singapore Chinese Orchestra, Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, Macau Chinese Orchestra, Taipei Municipal Chinese Orchestra of Taiwan, Beijing Central Chinese Orchestra and the Kaohsiung City Chinese Orchestra of Taiwan.
Besides composing symphonic works, Chinese orchestra music and chamber music, Phoon participated in almost all Singapore Arts Festivals since 1984.He has collaborated with many Singapore artists including Kuo Pao Kun, Goh Lay Kuan, Tan Swie Hian, Lim Fei Shen and Yan Choong Lian to Create music for television (Grandpa’s Meat Bone Tea), over 20 theatre productions (Evening Climb, Lao Jiu, Kopi Tiam, The Oolah World, Family, The Spirits Play, Descendant of the Eunuch Admiral, etc.), dance theatre (Nu Wa, Xi Fangping, Tang Huang, The Homing Fish, etc.) and dances (Nuo Dance, Madhouse, Dao, Qing Ming etc.).
Phoon's music successfully combines a Chinese idiom with contemporary compositional techniques and styles. It is often transparent and spare in texture, making effective and careful use of tone colour.
Phoon Yew Tien has been a Committee Member of the Advisory Council on Culture and the Arts (1988), a member of the National Arts Council Resource Panel, and Associate Conductor of the Singapore Chinese Orchestra. From 1993 to 1996, he was Head of Music at the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, where he lectured from 1984 to 1999.
In 2000, Phoon was appointed by the Singapore government to rearrange the National Anthem.
Phoon has served as an Arts Adviser to the National Arts Council (1998-2008). In 1996, he was awarded the Cultural Medallion by the Singapore Government, the highest award given in the field of the arts in Singapore.
He has previously been appointed by the Singapore Symphony Orchestra to be the Composer in Residence for the year 2003.
In the years 2014 - 2015, he was also appointed by the Singapore Chinese Orchestra to be the Composer in Residence.
For more information please visit Phoon Yew Tien Blogger and the following web - page :
TributeSG at https://www.esplanade.com/offstage/arts/phoon-yew-tien
Infopedia at https://eresources.nlb.gov.sg/infopedia/articles/SIP_2014-03-03_130537.html
MusicSG at https://eresources.nlb.gov.sg/music/music/artist/15640
Please visit Soundcloud for music tracks:
1983年以作曲及长笛演奏双学位毕业於澳洲昆士兰音乐学院。翌年在亚洲作曲家同盟大会上发表了作品 -“秋”并因而荣获该会所颁之“入野义朗纪念奖”(Yoshiro Irino Memorial Prize)。
除了创作交响乐,华(中)乐,及各类型式的中西室内乐之外。自1984年起,潘君也参与了几乎每一次的新加坡艺术节演出。在和舞蹈家家吴丽娟,林飞仙,戏剧家郭宝昆,多元艺术家陈瑞献等新加坡著名艺术家的合作过程当中所产生的作品有:电视电影配乐“阿公肉骨茶”话剧配乐“乌拉世界”,“老九”,“黄昏上山”,“羔呸店”,“家”,“灵戏”以及“郑和的后代”等二十余部。舞剧音乐“女娲”,“席方平”,“唐璜”以及舞蹈音乐“傩舞”,“归鱼” ,“疯人院”等等。
创作之余,潘君亦曾任新加坡南洋艺术学院音乐系主任(1993 - 1996)以及新加坡国家艺术理事会艺术顾问(1998 - 2008)。同时亦历任新加坡华乐团(自1997年)香港中乐团(2001,2002)之声部首席及乐员考核委员。
欲知更多有关信息敬请浏览潘耀田博客以及以下网页 : https://www.blogger.com/blog/posts/8409781206810833251?blogID=8409781206810833251#allposts
TributeSG at https://www.esplanade.com/offstage/arts/phoon-yew-tien
Infopedia at https://eresources.nlb.gov.sg/infopedia/articles/SIP_2014-03-03_130537.html
MusicSG at https://eresources.nlb.gov.sg/music/music/artist/15640
欢迎浏览 Soundcloud 欣赏潘耀田创作音频:
Welcome to my world
Welcome to my world - “欢迎来到我的世界”是1960年代著名美国歌手Jim Reeves 演唱的一首很好听的英文老歌,感觉有点贴近此刻的心情 …........ 歌词里头居然还引用了圣经圣马太福音里的句子:“Knock and the door shall be open, Seek and you will find ”(敲叩门就会打开,寻觅你就会找到)
Welcome to my world 欢迎来到我的世界
Won't you come on in 为何不进来
Miracles, I guess 奇迹,我想
Still happen now and then 还不时会发生
Step into my heart 步入我心中
Leave your cares behind 把烦恼抛到脑后
Welcome to my world 欢迎来到我的世界
Built with you in mind 为您而设的世界
Knock and the door shall be open 敲叩门就会打开
Seek and you will find 寻觅你就会找到
Ask and you'll be given 祈求你将会得到
The key to this heart of mine 通往我心的钥匙
I'll be waiting there 我会在此等待
With my arms unfurled 并张开我的双臂
Waiting just for you 只等您的到来
Welcome to my world 欢迎来到我的世界
by Ray Winkler and John Hathcock
个人网站的设立前后近20年,共有三次,最早是2000年初期有年轻人兴致勃勃自告奋勇免费为我设立网站(The Flying Inkpot?),后来却虎头蛇尾不了了之,连人都仿佛“人间蒸发”了!于是,残缺不全的网站在无人管理的情况下,就像一艘鬼船漂泊在无边无际的网络海洋之中时隐时现,至今也下落不明…......... 无论如何,还是必须感激有关年轻人当初的付出。
后来有朋友介绍了个熟人帮我重新设立并管理网站,这回是有收费的,基本费用每天1块钱,一年365天就是S$365 …........
在无人指导下自行设立网站说难不难,说易也不易,一开始有点盲人摸象前途茫茫的感觉,最终主要靠的还是耐心和坚持,因为过程中有许多电脑操作上的盲点障碍必须一一努力克服,诸事不顺时还要怀疑自己是不是有点笨,幸好皇天不负有心人,虽然心情随着“事态进展情况”起伏不定,最终还是越过了重重困难,拨开云雾见青天 …...... 现在可以不无“自豪”地说:
Welcome to my world!欢迎您的到来!