网上音乐会《家》, 通过youTube 视频平台为音乐爱好者呈献12首
富于怀旧与乡土风味的首创歌曲。 是由本地知名作曲家潘耀田作曲
HOME online concert
The online Concert "Home" presents 12 original songs full of nostalgia
and local themes for music lovers through youTube video platform. It is
an elaborate masterpiece composed by well-known local composer
Phoon Yew Tien and lyrics by local writer cum poet Lin Zi. Phoon’s
vocal music is full of olden days sentiments, combining Chinese and
foreign music styles, folk songs, children songs and contemporary
songs. Searching for the lost spiritual home, life-like and full of
Nanyang flavours.
The concert is performed by the local professional doctor cum soprano
Dr. Yap Gim Hong and outstanding soprano singer He Miya from China,
as solo and duet. Excellent pianists Low Shao Suan and Li Bin serve as
piano accompaniments.
"Home" is a safe haven for exhausted souls and minds. After more than
two years of suffering from the pandemic of Coronavirus, the Concert
"Home" serves to bring extra warmth and spiritual nourishment to the
public audience.
"Home" online Concert will be premiered on YouTube at 8pm, 12 th Jun
2022, free for public viewing.
Please click on the link below:
合作团队简介 (Collaborators Profiles)
潘耀田简介 (作曲/监制)
朗纪念奖”(Yoshiro Irino Memorial Prize)。
”,“席方平”,“唐璜”,以及舞蹈音乐“傩舞”,“归鱼” ,“疯人院”等等。
国台北市立国乐团以及台湾国立实验国乐团所演奏或录音。2000 年秋,潘君的
2009 年潘君荣获新加坡词曲版权协会颁发之功勋奖(Meritorious Award)
In 1984, Phoon won the prestigious Yoshiro Irino Memorial Prize for Composition,
awarded by the Asian Composers League, one of the highest awards to be given to a
young Asian composer. In 1996, 1997,2001,2009,2012,2013 ,2015 and 2018, he
was also awarded the top Local Serious Music Award by the Singapore Composer
and Authors Society (COMPASS).
On 12th October 2000, the Beijing China Film Orchestra performed works by Phoon
Yew Tien in his solo composition concert in Beijing Concert Hall. The concert was
jointly presented by the government of the People's Republic of China and the
Singapore National Arts Council. He was also commissioned by the Singapore
National Arts Council to compose a large scale work ( Confucius - A Secular Cantata )
for the Singapore Arts Festival 2001.
Since 1987, Phoon's compositions and arrangements have been performed and
recorded by the orchestras such as the Singapore Symphony, the Russian
Philharmonic, Malmo Symphony Orchestra (Sweden),Shanghai Philharmonic,
Shanghai Music Conservatory Symphony, , Shanghai Music Conservatory Chinese
Orchestra, Singapore Chinese Orchestra ,Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, Taiwan
Province Symphony Orchestra and the Kaohsiung City Chinese Orchestra of Taiwan.
He was Head of Music (1993-1996) at the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, where he
lectured from 1984 to 1999.
In 2000, Phoon was appointed by the Singapore government to re-arrange the
National Anthem.
Phoon has been serving as an Arts Advisor to the National Arts Council ( 1998 –
2008). In 1996 he was awarded the Cultural Medallion by the Singapore
Government, the highest award given in the field of the arts in Singapore.
He has also been appointed by the Singapore Symphony Orchestra to be the
Composer in Residence for the year 2003.
He has been appointed Composer in Residence of the Singapore Chinese Orchestra
Website : phoonyewtien.webador.com
林子 (作词)
情》 (2018)、传统诗词间书法选集《诗书合璧》(2021)。
Real name Lim Kim Lee. A Singapore writer cum poet. Born in Pontian, Malaysia.
Bilingual in Chinese and English languages. Bachelor of Arts in Chinese Language and
Literature (Beijing Normal University), Diploma in English-Chinese Translation ( SIM
University).Diploma in Business Studies (Ngee Ann Polytechnic). Final judge for
Literature Awards for Tertiary and Secondary Institutions, Poetry teacher. Awarded
Asean Literature Award for year 2021.
Books Authored :Prose: “Shuang Zi Hua Ren Jian”(2006), Short stories: “ Lin Zi ‘s
Short Stories” (2008), Prose: “Lin Zhong Zi You Ran”(2011), Short stories: “Wei
Lan”(2013), Short stories: “Pu Gong Ying De Meng” (2014), Poetry: “Lin Zi Zhi Ge”
(2015), Poetry: “Feng Yue You Qing” (2018), Children stories: “Gan Zi Shang De
Tong She”(2018), Poetry & Calligraphy: “Shi Shu He Bi” (2021).
叶锦凤 (女高音)
女高音叶锦凤为执业家庭医生。 拥有英国伦敦圣三一基尔贺学院 (Trinity
Guildhall) ATCL (Diploma) 及 LTCL (Licentiate Diploma in Singing) 专业演唱文凭。
曾师从中国花腔女高音周小曼, 现师从中国男中音黄荣海学习声乐。
除了声乐, 对中国文学也抱有浓厚的兴趣,于 2007 年考获北京师范大学汉语
在少年时期曾在新加坡广播电台录制过许多少年儿童表演节目如广播剧、 独唱
歌曲等, 也曾为新加坡电视台录制艺术歌曲。 90 年代曾在新加坡卫生部主办
的 “午间音乐会” 开独唱音乐会。 2012 年为 “杏林歌者” 慈善晚宴担任独唱嘉宾
。 2016 获得 “新加坡音乐表演节”声乐组金奖, 于 2016 年首届 “亚细安声乐歌
唱比赛” 入围决赛。
叶锦凤 2016 年录制发行了中国艺术歌曲光碟《春晓》 和基督教圣诗与短歌集
Soprano Yap Gim Hong is a medical practitioner by profession. She grew up
participating and recording plays, poetry, narrations, and songs for public broadcast
at the Singapore Radio Childrens’ Workshop, during which she frequently featured as
soloist for many Chinese art songs and folk songs. She also recorded Chinese art
songs accompanied by the Radio Singapore Chinese Orchestra for a television
broadcast by Singapore Television.
Gim Hong also has contributed her talents within the healthcare circle, performing
for various occasions including a vocal recital during one of the MOH Lunch Time
Concert series, and solo performance at the Singapore Singing Doctor Society Charity
Dinner and Concert. Beyond music, Gim Hong’s artistic pursuits extend to Chinese
literature, for which she attained a Bachelors and a Masters of Arts in Chinese
Language and Literature from the Beijing Normal University in 2005 and 2007
respectively. Gim Hong has obtained a Associate and a Licentiate of the Trinity College of London
in vocal performance. In 2016, she clinched a Gold award in the voice category at the
6th Singapore Performers’ Festival, and she was also finalist of the First SLO-ASEAN
vocal competition 2016.
An exponent of her native tongue, Gim Hong recorded and published two albums of
Chinese vocal music in 2016, “Songs My Mother Sang”, a collection of Christian songs
and hymns, and “Spring”, a collection of Chinese art songs in collaboration with
pianist Li Bin.
Gim Hong’s past vocal teachers include Huang Dewang and Zhou Xiaoman, and she
has been under the tutelage of Huang Ronghai since 2011. She actively participates
in concerts organised by student groups and such local groups as Art Station and
Joyous Art Centre. In 2014 she participated in An Evening of Friendship Concert in
Surabaya, a performance that brough together many vocal music enthusiasts from
Singapore and Surabaya. In 2017 she organised and performed her first solo vocal
recital “Spring Blossoms Upon the Moonlit River” at the Esplanade Recital Studio.
何米亚 (女高音)
声乐教育家金铁霖教授及刘畅老师。原天津音乐学院民族声乐系讲师。 2010年
节演出。 多次参加新加坡华族音乐文化的传播演出,并与新加坡本地优秀音乐
He Miya A young vocal artist who graduated from China Conservatory of Music with
a masters in fine arts majoring in folk singing. She studied under renowned vocal
music educators Professor Jin Tielin and Liu Chang. Formerly a lecturer at the folk
vocal music department of the Tianjin Conservatory of Music, she performed in two
solo concerts successfully in December 2010 and May 2011 respectively to warm
reception of professionals and the general public alike. Her publications (in Chinese)
include Bel Canto Vocal Techniques - A Songbook of Foreign Works, Vocal
Techniques - A Songbook of Chinese Works, A Songbook for Folk Singing Techniques I
and II. She has frequently performed on tours to Europe and Southeast Asia. Since
she settled in Singapore in 2014 she has performed with the Singapore Chinese
Orchestra and many Chinese musical ensembles. Besides He has also participated in
Huayi Festival presented by The Esplanade and taking part in various Chinese musical
and cultural performances and working with some of Singapore’s best musical
李彬 (钢琴伴奏)
以优异成绩毕业于中国天津音乐学院, 主修钢琴。 近年来经常受邀在中国各大
城市, 以及新, 马, 泰, 印尼, 台湾等地举行的音乐会上及比赛上, 担任独
奏与钢琴伴奏。 曾在亚洲合唱节上被誉为 “最佳钢琴伴奏”。
李彬早在念中学时, 就曾获得全市钢琴比赛中学组第一名。 从 19 岁时开始从
事钢琴教学, 在中国唐山市有 “优秀钢琴指导教师” 的美誉, 曾接受 《唐山晚
报》 专访。 2002年移居新加坡, 担任多个团体的钢琴伴奏,同时继续教授钢
琴与音乐理论, 定期举办学生汇报演出, 众多学生考获英国皇家音乐学院和伦
来新后担任过无数场大型音乐会的伴奏与独奏。 2003 年参与新加坡歌剧院歌剧
《托斯卡》 , 《HANSEL AND GRETEL》 的排练伴奏和校际演出。 2004 年担任新加
坡声乐大赛及马新声乐大赛的指定伴奏。 2009 年担任第二届 “马新常青杯” 声乐
大赛新加坡指定大会伴奏。 2010 年担任新加坡第一届国际声乐大赛和第三届 “
新马常青杯” 声乐大赛新加坡指定大会伴奏。 现为新加坡音乐家协会会员。
Li Bin graduated from the Tianjin Conservatory of Music, China in 1996, majoring in
piano. He has been invited to perform with numerous soloists and choirs in major
cities throughout China, as well as in Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Taiwan, and
Singapore. He was honoured with the title of “Best Piano Accompanist” at the Asian
Choral Festival.
Li Bin is an experienced piano teacher, and was given the Excellent Piano Teacher
Award by the authority of Tangshan, China. In 2002 he was invited by the Straits
Music Association to be the piano teacher for their choir. He was the piano
repetiteur and performing pianist for Singapore Lyric Opera’s production of TOSCA
and HANSEL AND GRETEL in 2003.
卢绍璇 ( 钢琴伴奏)
卢绍璇是⼀位屡获殊荣的古典钢琴家,也是新加坡的⾃学成才的作曲家。 她曾
在国际钢琴⽐赛中获奖,并在新加坡交响乐团担任过多次独奏演出。 作为钢琴
伴奏和室内⾳乐家,绍璇与来⾃世界各地的著名⾳乐家合作,例 如⼩提琴家蕭
丽君,萨克斯管演奏家 Claude Delangle 和⼤号吹奏者 Øystein Baadsvik。 2003年
,她是世界著名⼩提琴家 Sarah Chang 的排练钢 琴家。 作为⼀名词曲作者,绍
璇的⼏⾸歌已经被韩⽇歌⼿ mink 和台湾演员歌⼿ 徐若瑄等亚洲流⾏歌⼿演唱
。作为作曲家,她的原创作品赢得了国际⼤奖, 并在世界范围内演出。 绍璇是
新加坡作曲家和作家协会(COMPASS)的成员,也是本地室内乐 团,Ensemble
de la Belle Musique的联合创始⼈。
Low Shao Suan is an award-winning classical pianist and self-taught composer from
Singapore. She has won prizes at international piano competitions and she has
performed as soloist numerous times with the Singapore Symphony Orchestra. As a
piano accompanist and chamber musician, Shao Suan has worked with well-known
musicians from all over the world, such as violinist Siow Lee Chin, saxophonist Claude
Delangle, and tubist Øystein Baadsvik. In 2003, she was the rehearsal pianist for
world-renowned violinist, Sarah Chang. As a songwriter, a few of Shao Suan’s songs
have been sung by Asian pop singers such as mink and Vivian Hsu. As a composer,
her original compositions have won international awards and are being performed
worldwide. Shao Suan is a member of the Composers and Authors Society of
Singapore (COMPASS) and co-founder of local chamber ensemble, Ensemble de la
Belle Musique.